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How to Piece a Diamond Path Table Runner

I’ve challenged myself to create a quilt from the materials and tools that come in my monthly Quilty Box. This month I received a box of beautiful fabric and a super cool BasiX template and pattern created by Patricia Pepe. It was lots of fun to play with a new template and piece this intricate looking table runner without paper piecing or complicated template cutting.

Watch how this quilt was created using the BasiX 5 inch Template:

basix template | table runner patternDiamond Path Table Runner Pattern


  • BasiX 5 inch template
  • 8 - 2 ½-inch strips from Flourish Batik Strip Set from Wilmington Prints
  • 16 - 2 ½-inch strips of black Kona cotton fabric
  • Black cotton thread


Piece each of the 8 colorful batik strips between two black strips. Press all the seam allowances open.

Using the BasiX template, cut three blocks from the strip with the BasiX logo face up. Flip the template over and cut three blocks from the strip with the Basics logo face down. This will result in 48 pieced blocks.

Arrange the blocks according to the picture above. Begin piecing the blocks together in rows of 4 blocks, then piece the rows together to form the complete quilt top.

This table runner quilt top should measure 12 ½ x 48 ½ inches when complete.

Challenge yourself to create a new quilt each month with the materials in your Quilty Box! Don't just store materials and tools away - use them to create beautiful projects like this to enjoy in your home.

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