Would you like to learn more about fusible applique and create a small wall hanging to enjoy in your home? If so, the Eternal Love Quilt Along will be perfect for you!
If you died tomorrow, what would you most regret not doing?
Do you have a dream achievement, a special project you long to focus on? Have you been putting off this dream for years?
This beautiful 3-month daily planner includes undated blank calendars so you can fill in the spaces to fit any month of the year.
Click Here to read more about Leah's Goddess Planner.
This beautiful Eternal Love goddess quilt is perfect for quilters of all skill levels. It's only 20 x 25 inches, so it's a very small wall hanging that won't overwhelm you with tons of steps or tiny, fiddly pieces.
If you'd like to follow along, the first step is to gear up with your quilt pattern, fusible web, and any other tools you'll need for this project. Click the links below to find lots of goodies to play with.
Gear mentioned in this quilting tutorial:
Eternal Love Goddess Quilt Along Tutorials
This is a short and sweet, super skill-building Quilt Along! You'll learn the basics of fusible applique, how to finish those pesky raw edges, and how to quilt your mini wall hanging with many beautiful free motion quilting designs.
Click the links below to follow along with each tutorial and make your own Eternal Love Goddess Quilt:
#1 - Fusible Applique Basics - Prepare and Cut Shapes
#2 - Build a Quilt with Fusible Applique
#3 - Finish Raw Edges with Blanket Stitching
#4 - How to Free Motion Quilt Hair and Body Parts
#5 - How to Quilt Three Spiral Designs
Find the Eternal Love Quilt Pattern Here!
Are you excited to get started right now? Watch this quilting tutorial to learn how to prepare your fabric for fusible applique so you can get started immediately!
Make sure to bookmark this page so you can easily follow along.
Follow along with the videos or work at your own pace. It's never a problem to fall behind because the quilting videos will remain online forever so you can catch up anytime.
The Story Behind this Goddess Quilt
Eternal Love is a beautiful goddess quilt inspired by my son, James, and that amazing connection I felt with him. It's hard to put that feeling of overwhelming love, compassion, and understanding into words, so designing this quilt was the best way to express how I felt when he was first born.
To say it frankly, I remember feeling slightly shocked when I held James for the first time. It was like he was a hidden present inside me and - Whoa! - that's a new little person! It honestly blew my mind.
But I didn't draw this goddess when James was little. I waited until he was 8 years old, long after he was wrapped up like this in a baby blanket.
I think I needed some time and space because immediately after he was born I slipped into a deep depression. I didn't feel like I deserved that awesome little baby or my loving husband. I felt unworthy of the life I'd built and useless. It took years to dig myself out of that hole and to learn how to see my value.
So some of this goddess quilt design is a bit wishful. I wish I could go back and better appreciate that time when James was little. I wish I could comfort that girl that couldn't stop crying all the time. I wish I could have rested and let myself heal and just held my baby and been happy.
I couldn't do any of that then. I was too wrapped up in post-partum depression to be able to think straight. But I can celebrate that special time now and love my son and the amazing little boy (now a tween!) that he's grown up to be.
Turning Eternal Love into a Pattern
My original idea for this quilt was to have it printed on fabric as a cheater cloth panel. I was working with Island Batik and we tried the idea, but it just didn't end up taking shape in the right direction so I decided to try writing a fusible applique pattern instead.
I've gotta say - making a quilt like this for myself is one thing. I can work off a master pattern and don't need any instruction other than an hour or so to figure out how the shapes overlap. I've learned the hard way, that a pattern needs to be written with clear instructions and separated templates that have some sort of guide to how they are cut out.
Oh boy! That is a LOT of design work and a lot of planning to work out.
This fusible applique pattern took awhile to put together.
I also made another quilt using pretty wild fabric from a Quilty Box. Watch this video to see how this quilt came together in a day!
I'm so proud of the work I did on this goddess quilt pattern! Click Here to find the Eternal Love Quilt Pattern and make this beautiful goddess quilt along with me.
Let's go quilt,
Leah Day
Would you love to read the inspirational quilting stories behind all of Leah's goddess quilts?
In 2019 Leah published her artist memoir showcasing the creation of each quilt in the goddess series. This is a story of transformation and how each goddess quilt pushed Leah to become a better woman, wife, mother, and quilter.
This is the book quilters have been asking about for years!
Click Here to learn more about Leah Day's Goddess Quilts
All articles in this applique tutorial can be found below:
#1 - Fusible Applique Basics - Prepare and Cut Shapes
#2 - Build a Quilt with Fusible Applique
#3 - Finish Raw Edges with Blanket Stitching
#4 - How to Free Motion Quilt Hair and Body Parts
Hi Leah,
I really love your Goddess quilts. I just purchased the pattern. Could you please provide some guidance on where I can purchase the fabric to make the Goddess quilts for the flesh tone to be women of color? Do you have a color wheel for different skin tones. I would love to hear from you. Thank you for being a great inspiration.
Vida S.
All done! That was fun. I’m going to make another 😊
Hi Trish – Nope, I don’t use steam personally when fusing my pieces and it worked fine for the two goddess quilts I made this month. That’s just what works for me, so please feel free to follow the package directions exactly and use steam if that makes the most sense to you!
I have aSteam a Seam question. I am following along with your Etenal Love tutorials but I am confused on one thing. The steam a seam directions say to use steam but it looks like you are using a dry iron. I don’t want to put my pattern pieces onto the fabric until I know high way is correct. Thank you so much. Your tutorials are amazing!
Hi Sandy – Yes, I prewash ALL fabrics before cutting. I’ve just experienced better control over the fabric and more accurate piecing when the fabric is washed ahead of time. I also had blue fabrics bleed on a very important quilt (my very first) and I never want that to happen again. So unless the fabric is a precut and smaller than a fat eighth, I always prewash.
Leah, you mention in the video on prepping the fabric that you wash and starch/press fabric for ALL quilts. Is that just for applique projects? Most quilters say not to wash fabrics before piecing (unless they might bleed, like reds).
I would like to purchase the kit. Please let me know when it is back in stock. looking forward to making this beautiful quilt.
Hi Patricia – Definitely! We have more background fabric both in the Moonstone and the Peach alternate color and can supply it in 1/2 yard increments as needed. Just send Josh an email through our contact page and we’ll send you a special order invoice.
My fabric is all ready to go and I can’t wait to start. I was hoping to embroider a message on the background and thought I might need to enlarge the background to accommodate my message. Can I purchase more of the background fabric so I have enough to make the binding?
Hi Leah! I can hardly wait until my Eternal Love kit arrives! Thank you so very much for sharing this stunning wall quilt with the world! Our youngest daughter is due in July with their first. E.L. is so perfect! I am so excited to have the opportunity to quilt something new and different! I love every news email I receive from you.
Your quilting friend, Trish
Hi Joyce! Great question – that was probably the Building Blocks cheater cloth fabric. You can find it right here: https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/3041673-building-blocks-colorful-cheater-cloth-on-white-by-leah_day?iref=clk-xs-fab-collection
Hi Leah, I was looking at some of your you tube videos yesterday and came across one that you were quilting on your sit down long arm. The fabric you were using was a cheater cloth quilt. I would love to get one of those, do you sell them or do you know where I can buy it. I looked on spoonflower but didn’t see it. Thanks.
Hi Kerry! We’re working on sourcing more fabric for kits. Unfortunately some of the colors will be different, but we will be having more hopefully in the next week or so.
La Juan – All you need to get started is a copy of the Eternal Love Quilt Pattern! Just pick up a copy, print it out and you’ll be ready to go on June 4th!
Our church sponsors a pregnant crisis helping to keep babies alive, and much more. I would love to make this for their new building front room wall. How do I get this going. Love love your organization, your work. You are a very talented lady. Thank you.
Hi Leah, I would love to participate in this quilt along! But as I am not confident with colors, I would like to purchase the kit. Can you please let me know when the kits will be available? I think the Eternal Love goddess Quilt is just beautiful!
I look forward to hearing from you.